Configure, Bonding Channel RFGW-1 with MC3GX60V and DTI Server TC1000
Below is a brief cabling on RFGW-1 and MC3Gx60v. if you need assistant, please drop us an email at visit us or call/text 714 890 2790. Please support us here so we could take care all your network issue / problems or planning for a future project(s).
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Connect the RF Gateway 1
1 Connect a network cable to the management port located on the rear panel of the
RF Gateway 1 chassis.
2 Open a web browser and enter the management port IP address.
Configuring the Annex
The annex setting applies to all carriers in the RF Gateway 1, including ITU-A (DVB), ITU-B (open cable), or ITU-C (Japan applications). Mixed annex settings are not supported.
1 Navigate to the System/System Configuration page
Note: Changing annex settings will clear the database to defaults.
2 In the QAM Encoding Type field, enter annex setting.
3 Click Apply
Configure the Management Port (10/100) and Virtual IP Address for each GbE Port Pair IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway
1 Navigate to the System/IP Network page.

Enable QAM Port
1 Navigate to the QAMS page.
2 In the tree menu, select the desired Card/RF Port.
3 In the Port Control field, set the parameter to On.
4 Click Apply
Enable Individual Carriers
1 Navigate to the QAMS page.
2 Expand the tree menu to select the Card/RF Port/QAM Channel.
3 In the Channel Mode field, set the parameter to Normal.
4 Click Apply
Configure Port Output Parameters
1 Navigate to the QAMS page.
2 Expand the tree menu and select desired RF Port.
3 In the Port Modulation field, select desired modulation (64 vs. 256 QAM).
4 In the Port Output Level field, enter output level.
5 In the Combined Channels field, select the number of active carriers per port (i.e.,
for four carriers per port, set Combined Channels to quad).
6 In the Channel Number field, select channel frequencies.
Note: Combined Channels are limited to be spaced contiguously (separated by
the chosen channel spacing) from the frequency of the lowest carrier. Therefore,
only the frequency of the first carrier of a port may be configured.
7 Click Apply
Configure Individual Carrier Output Parameters
1 Navigate to the QAMS page.
2 Expand the tree menu, and select the desired QAM Channel.
3 In the Transport Stream ID field, enter stream ID.
4 In the Channel Spectrum Inversion field, set the parameter to Normal (for most
5 In the Channel PRBS Stuffing field, set the parameter to On (for most applications.)
6 In the Channel Interleave Depth field, select the interleave type.
7 In the Channel PMT Rate and Channel PAT Rate fields, enter desired playout rates.
8 Click Apply.
Channel Application Mode
The RF Gateway 1 operates in various network scenarios including table video, VOD, SDV, and data modes (pre-DOCSIS 3.0 wideband as well as full M-CMTS (DTI) scenarios). These various scenarios are configurable on a per carrier basis, using the Channel Application Mode setting.
To Configure Channel Application Mode
1 Navigate to the Maps page.
2 Select desired Channel Application Mode.
-DEPI Learn
-DEPI Remote
3 Click Apply
Global RF Port Configuration
Global RF Port Configuration allows you to configure RF for every port. See the following screen.

Parameter Description
RF Port Refers to the RF port on a particular card.
Example: 1/2 indicates card 1, port 2.
Spacing - The spacing between the channel center frequencies of different channels.
Modulation - Refers to the QAM output selected (256 or 64).
Output Level - Refers to the QAM output. The range depends on other parameters.
Symbol Rate - Based on the QAM modulation and ITU standards.
Combined Carrier - Allows you to configure the port for single/dual/quad channel
ITU Carrier Number
This field is only seen if your annex is ITU-B and you have a standard frequency plan selected.
In North America, channel 50 is determined to have a center frequency of 381 MHz. Selecting the first channel number picks up the corresponding frequency for channel 1 on that port. The remaining
frequencies are populated automatically by channel spacing. Based on those frequencies, the remaining channel numbers are populated.
Carrier Center Frequency
Allows you to choose the center frequency of channel 1 and the remaining channels are populated automatically.
QAM RF Port Configuration
The QAM RF Port Configuration view shows RF Port Configuration parameters from the Global QAM Configuration page. See the following screen.

Parameter Description
Card Index - RF port card index on a particular card.
Example: 1/2 indicates card 1, port 2.
Port Index - RF port index on a particular card. Encoding Type ITU standard.
Service Group ID - Alphanumeric service group identifier.
Channel Spacing - The spacing between the channel center frequencies of different channels. Modulation - QAM output selected (256 or 64).
Channel Output Level - QAM output. The range depends on other parameters.
Channel Symbol Rate - Symbol Rate based on the QAM modulation and ITU standards.
Port Control - Allows you to turn the port on or off.
Combined Channels - Allows you to configure the port for single/dual/quad channels.
GbE Interface Operation Modes
The RF Gateway 1 has four physical GbE input ports that receive video and data streams from the upstream network. These ports may be used independently (four-port independent mode) or configured to implement input redundancy (Dual port-pair mode).
Prerequisite Configurations:
-GbE input ports, including Video/Data IP address
-QAM outputs
-Channel Application Mode
Channel Application Mode
To Verify Channel Application Mode
1 Navigate to the Maps page.
2 In the tree menu, select Map Configuration.
Result: Channel Application Mode is revealed for each output carrier.
Note: The correct setting is "Data"
Data Map Configuration
For a specific output carrier, using the Maps/Data Map web page, the operator can configure:
-Input Stream Type
-Allowable ingress port or port-pair
-Input stream Destination UDP port
Note: Once a carrier is in data mode, Data Map becomes active for that carrier. The Data Map serves as a routing table which maps incoming data to unique output carriers.
To Configure the Data Map
1 Navigate to the Maps page.
2 In the tree menu, select Data Map.
3 Configure the Stream Type to be MPEG for the desired carrier.
Note: The Stream Type setting of the RFGW-1-D is dependent upon the rf-channel configuration for the relevant controller modular-Cable in the CMTS. The following table lists the valid Stream Type settings for each of the rf-channel options in the uBR10K.

Basic M-CMTS Data Specific Operation
Channel Application Mode
To Verify Channel Application Mode
1 Navigate to the Maps page.
2 In the tree menu, select Map Configuration.
Result: Channel Application Mode is revealed for each output carrier.
Note: The correct setting is "Data"

Data Map Configuration
For a specific output carrier, using the Maps/Data Map web page, the operator can configure:
Input Stream Type
Allowable ingress port or port-pair
Input stream DEPI Session ID port
Note: Once a carrier is in data mode, the Data Map becomes active for that carrier.
The Data Map serves as a routing table which maps incoming data to unique output carriers.
To Configure the Data Map
1 Navigate to the Maps page.
2 In the tree menu, select Data Map.
Result: The following window is displayed.

3 Configure the Stream Type to be DOCSIS MPT without UDP for the desired carrier.
In DOCSIS 2.0 Cisco Wideband operation, the eQAM device carries only wideband channels (non-primary DOCSIS). For non-primary flows in DOCSIS 2.0 Cisco Wideband operation, rf-channels are typically configured as udp-ports in the CMTS, and the valid Stream Type is MPEG. For DOCSIS 3.0 Cisco Wideband operation, most operators are migrating to using depi-remote-id forall rf-channels. This is done primarily to provide flexibility in defining primary and non-primary channels. For flows defined as depi-remote-id in the CMTS, the valid Stream Type is DOCSIS MPT w/o UDP.
4 Select the Allowable Ingress Ports which receives the flows from the CMTS. The correct GbE port (independent mode) or port pair (port-pair mode) will have its GbE port physical address (independent mode) or Video/Data IP address (port-pair mode) under the System/IP Network web view configured to match the eQAM IP address in the CMTS.
5 Enter the Destination UDP Port for the input stream to be mapped out to the relevant RF Gateway 1 carrier. The Destination UDP Port must match the udp-port of the corresponding rf-channel in the CMTS.
–Session ID will automatically set to "N/A" when Stream Type is MPEG.
–For a given ingress port pair, the UDP port or session ID must be unique.
6 Click Apply
Connecting to DTI Server
The RF Gateway 1 chassis provides redundant RJ-45 connections for connecting toDTI server devices. These connectors are located along the bottom row of RJ-45 connectors on the rear panel of the RF Gateway 1 chassis.

To Connect To DTI Server
1 Locate the DTI ports on the rear panel of the RF Gateway 1 chassis.
2 Connect the RF Gateway 1 to the timing server network using CAT5 cable.